Animation Team Building is located in Margate, United Kingdom on The Old Laundry, St John's Road. Animation Team Building is rated 3 out of 5 in the category corporate entertainment service in United Kingdom. We’ve run over 400 team building activities for small companies to household names, as well as corporate events and conferences perfect for out-of-office away days and drop-in sessions. Our activities add value to your teams, as the skills learned are transferable back into the workplace. We have three team bonding activities in our team building toolkit: Brick Films, Claymation and Quick Build Challenges. Our hands on events give delegates the opportunity to storyboard and animate their own stop-motion films. Using our collection of LEGO bricks and Plasticine, groups learn how to construct their own cast and sets, which can turn your business goals into a fun and engaging creative experience. We work with companies prior each event to create a brief that can be themed to suit an idea or company strategy. And to top it all off, everyone gets the chance to watch their films afterwards.
The Old Laundry, St John's Road
Company size
1-10 employees
Margate, Kent