Brecon, United Kingdom
2 The Struet
This is a great outdoor gear store in Brecon which has many outdoor gear stores. The staff are very knowledgable and friendly. Went in for a pair of boots a while ago and the staff were very patient and assisted me no matter how long it took which is rare these days.
Was passing by Brecon the other week and found this shop. Great choice of running gear and excellent staff. Would highly recommended.
I love my visits to Likeys. All the staff are so knowledgeable. Having started trail running from road running I have gained so much information from the team! Thank you
Very nice staff, great range of products. Only round the corner from Cotswold (so try not to use the chain ;) )
Fabulous place clean and tidy and fully stocked staff always willing to find what's best for you and not them they are really enthusiastic about the outdoors and the item they sell
Fantastic shop with a great range and fantastic staff. The only thing which would make the Likeys experience better would be to have more than one picture per product on the website, really restricts your choice in buying online when you can only see one side of a show or pack etc
Outstanding customer service. Knowledgeable and enthusiastic help. Highly recommended
Good range of products, well informed staff and good value.
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