Lirios Ventures is rated 3 out of 5 in the category helping companies help themselves. Read and write reviews about Lirios Ventures. Lirios Ventures is a UK and Spain based Venture Capital company with a cross European reach and global interests. Founded in 2012 by Ronald Marrington and Andres Fernando Ramirez, it started as a small company focused on tech investments. In the last few years, the company grew and diversified its interests. It is now invested in companies across Europe and aims to grow further by entering the Middle Eastern market. In addition to tech, the company is currently invested in several industries, including companies from the food, glass, rubber and textile industries. We invest in a wide variety of companies in all stages of development and growth, but our specialty is taking on companies that face difficulties and helping them come out of crisis situations stronger and more successful than ever.
Company size
1-10 employees
London, London